Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Orange Cake with Orange Icing

This cake is soooo good!  It is one of my favorites!  Johnny, just tell the "little gal" to add orange flavoring extract to the seven minute icing.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Evvie's Favorite Fudge Icing


Here is a recipe written by mom called "Evvie's favorite Fudge Icing" how sweet is that?  I love it!  Enjoy!


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Mom's Cinnamon Rolls


Here is the recipe that brother Marty requested for the cinnamon rolls that mom used to make.  What a wonderful memory.  The smell would fill the whole house.  Remember if you want to make the recipe bigger, just double click on it.  If you want to copy it, just right click with your mouse then "Save Image As" and save it to your own files.  Have a good evening!